Hi everyone. I’m Mark Goodwin and one common insurance question we get lately is, “Am I covered to drive for delivery service like Uber, Lyft, or door dash?” Well most insurance companies do not provide coverage when you’re using your vehicle for delivery or a ride share service. In fact, most policies will specifically exclude covering that sort of use of your vehicle.
So as soon as you turn on the app to look for a potential rider or food pickup, your insurance coverage turns off, if you will. Ride share and delivery companies typically don’t assume coverage until you have a passenger in your car or until you have picked up the food for your delivery. So that leaves you with a gap. But fortunately most insurance companies now have an endorsement that you can add to your policy that picks up that gap that you may have in your policy now so that you are insured. That endorsement is not real expensive. It’s, depending on the insurance company, $100 a year plus or minus.
If you would like to talk about adding that coverage to your policy, you can give us a call at E Goodwin insurance or call your agent to see if you can get that added to your current auto policy. If you find that you can’t and you need to have it, you can give us a call 740-387-8335 or you can email us, service@egoodwininsurance.com. We’d be glad to help you out.
Call eGoodwin Insurance in Marion OH at (740) 387-8335